
My thoughts on the third season of Falling Skies

Falling Skies, my favorite post-apocalyptic show--right next to The Walking Dead of course--is back!
Three episodes have aired so far and I have to say, I like what I'm seeing.  Pope's badass attitude, the conflicts between Hal and Ben, the mysterious "mole" in town, and when are they going to invade the mothership?

Skipping ahead at least six months after the season 2 finale, Tom has been declared "President" of the New United States of America, Hal is a paraplegic, Anne has given birth to her baby and the alliance between the aliens (or Skitters, if you please) and the humans seems to have strengthened.

I'm looking forward to seeing the mystery behind Tom's new baby daughter.  Is she not-of-this-world, is she fast-aging and will we see an adult or at least teen version of her this season?  Is Anne going to do something crazy? 

What about Karen?  What is she doing to Hal in the forest?  Could Hal be this "mole" that seems to be turning everything upside-down?

We'll just have to wait and see.  Tune in to TNT this Sunday.

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